Removal of pbs_migration_assistant.bat from Windows migration upgrade

Removal of pbs_migration_assistant.bat from Windows migration upgrade

Forum Discussion: http://community.pbspro.org/t/removal-of-pbs-migration-assistant-bat-from-windows-migration-upgrade/1411


  • Currently we use pbs_migration_assistant.bat script to set environment variables before starting the old server daemon in Windows migration upgrade.
  • But in other platform (Linux) we are setting the environment variables path manually.
  • This design is for removal of pbs_migration_assistant.bat and make the process of upgrade similar across the platform.

Interface: pbs_migration_assistant.bat

Visibility: Public
Change Control: stable

Before starting the older server daemon from the backup path, we need to set the environment variables (PBS_CONF_FILE and PBS_EXEC) manually.


set PBS_CONF_FILE=%WINDIR%\TEMP\PBS Backup\pbs.conf
set PBS_EXEC=%WINDIR%\TEMP\PBS Backup\exec

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