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Performance Test Automation
PP-35, PP-729: PBS Failover - STONITH
PP-239 and PP-659: Decorator to skip PTL tests on cpuset mom; Specifying default test case time out value while running PTL tests
PP-261: micro-second time stamp for daemon logging
PP-277: Multinode jobs may fail to start
PP-280: Introduce unit file for systems that supports systemd process management
PP-288: asynchronous logging option for the daemons
PP-290: Admin would be able to configure sendmail path
PP-289: unique job ids up to 1 trillion
PP-302: Implement save of PBS data for post-run analysis
PP-305: If server_dyn_res script does not return on UNIX/LINUX, scheduler will hang
PP-316: PMIx Integration with PBS Pro
PP-325: Support Cgroups
PP-337: Multiple schedulers servicing the PBS cluster
PP-368: Registering data service to systemd in /etc/init.d/pbs is broken on failover configs
PP-351: R record to have resource usage information.
PP-371: Remove AIX specific netwins resource and PBS_ibwins hook
PP-374: Job with a root-owned script runs even if root_reject_scripts set to true
PP-384: Compilation and packaging of PBS on Debian/Ubuntu systems
PP-388: Allow mom hooks to accumulate resources_used values
PP-389: Allow the admin to suspend jobs for node maintenance
PP-339 and PP-647: node ramp down feature: release vnodes early from running jobs
PP-402: remove netlibtoc.lib liblmx-altair.lib dependency from the windows project files
PP-425 to PP-434 - Server Periodic hooks support.
PP-425: Server Periodic Hook
PP-464: PBS Accounting Logs - Incorrect Escaping
PP-465: qrerun throws error rerunning job has timed out, when big job files are being moved.
PP-475:PP-476: pbs_audit, A tool to detect and fix permissions problems preventing PBS Professional from functioning properly/optimally
PP-479: Running subjobs to be able to survive a pbs_server restart
PP-481 Execute execjob_prologue hooks on all sister moms all the time
PP-482: Soft Walltime
PP-483: PP-484: PP-485: Enhance output of qstat to make it more admin and script friendly
PP-489: Daemons should log hostname and interface information
PP-495: pbsnodes -l output trims the hostname to 20 characters
PP-515: quit mom safely when multinode jobs are present
PP-516: Direct write of the job's stdout/err files.
PP-519: Modify skipOnCray decorator in PTL to skip test on Cray, Cray ALPS simulator and Cray build
PP-527: MOM should log her type
PP-578: server memory leak for hooks load test
PP-586: On a Cray X-series, create a vnode per compute node.
PP-587: Have only one mom report the compute node information to the server.
PP-610: On a Cray X-series, periodically synchronize PBS with ALPS inventory.
PP-615: comment on queue
PP-617: PP-788: acl_groups and acl_resv_groups will allow secondary groups to submit jobs and reservations
PP-660: Add support to PBS init script to act on any PBS daemon individually
PP-662, PP-663: Reservation Enhancements
PP-668: execjob_launch fails to setup the environment properly if one of the environment variables has a \n or a comma or quotes
PP-677: Add YAML config files (.yml) to the supported list of config files for PBS hooks
PP-682 : In high availability setup, "new" server leaf connection to pbs_comm keeps getting rejected because stale connection from old server is still seen.
PP-683: Sending large job scripts over TPP causes issues with TPP. Should use direct TCP connection in those cases.
PP-702: Installation and upgrades on Cray X-series CLE 5.2 systems
PP-706: Automatically create KNL specific information
PP-718: Add fairshare usage values to the job_sort_formula
PP-719: Enhance setUp in PTL specifically for Cray platforms
PP-732: scheduler's attribute allows to control unset resources in placement sets
PP-734: Ability to free limited resources when a job is suspended
Power Provisioning on Cray using CAPMC APIs.
PP-735: PBSPro Power Awareness
PP-740: Add Cray platform detection in PTL
PP-741: Need a default job specific to Cray in PTL
PP-748: Move the scheduler configurations files to qmgr
PP-756: Upgrading from an older version to the latest mainline version fails to start the PBS daemons
PP-758: Add pbs_snapshot tool to capture state & logs from PBS
PP-765: possibility to allow all moms in acl
PP-773: Array jobs do not send emails when specified for -m abe
PP-783: race condition in mom hook transport initiated by provisioning
PP-790: qmgr output has inconsistent whitespaces
PP-795: PTL doesn't revert fairshare usage between tests
PP-810: cgroups v2 with systemd
PP-824: Cray - Ramp rate limiting
PP-832: PBSPro failover secondary server fails to continuously check whether it needs to start a scheduler locally
PP-838 PTL support to test for logging via Syslog in PBS
PP-854: PBS Pro for Windows needs an installer
PP-864 Support suspend/resume on Cray X* series
PP-877: Support Hyper-threading in PBS
PP-912, PP-913, PP-1288, PP-1289 - Adding new hook events at the Server side
PP-919: Add the abilty to stat all reservations from a remote server
PP-927: Update the installation procedure for PBS on Cray CLE 6.0 to use the PBS rpm
PP-946: On Cray a PTL script setting select specification on a job using set_attributes method makes the job fail to run
PP-1006: Introduce new provisioning capabilities
PP-1006 Provisioning enhancement.
Requirements: Introduce new provisioning capabilities
PP-1009 : Enhancing sudo usage in PTL
PP-1018: [STALLED] As an admin, I would like to be able to prescribe the order in which placement sets are considered, so that I can direct the scheduler always consider first a particular set of resources
PP-1040: moms cannot communicate with one another in a cloud configuration when cloud nodes resolve each other's hostnames to IP addresses not known to the PBS server/comm
PP-1105: qsub: standard input notice
PP-1110: Support overlay upgrade on Cray Linux Environment (CLE) 6.0
PP-1128 Support Cray DataWarp - Job Instances
PP-1250: Process > 3 rpp/tpp messages (from moms) per server iteration
PP-1255: Guidelines for design documents
PP-1268: Extend new windows installer to automate server/execution/client/comm config modes
PP-1278: Need a skip decorator in PTL which will skip the test without any condition.
PP-1281: New decorator in PTL using which user can provide cluster information required for a test.
PP-1287: do not purge moved job from history before the job is finished
PP-1309 : Add support for project tag for reservations.
PTL package design
PTL test execution report in JSON format
Preemption Optimization - Scheduler to send list of jobs to the server.
Steps to upgrade PBS datastore when postgresql is upgraded
Node maintenance window enhancement
New job attribute to measure a job's total wait time
Update of PBS job name
Non-printing characters in job attribute and resource values as well as hook names
Remove "day" argument from log_match api of PTL
Removal of pbs_migration_assistant.bat from Windows migration upgrade
Moving PTL to Python 3
Ability to include requested custom resources in mom hook input file.
Holidays file enhancements
Support in PTL for deletion of large number of jobs
Changes to run_count attribute, hold and release operation of subjob(s) in a Job Array
Execjob_abort hook
Suspend Resume hooks
Address PP-774: Ability to create directory and file as a user in PTL needs enhancement
PBS Design Changes for Shasta
Update file format and file name for data saved using save_configuration() method in PTL
Option to not kick a scheduling cycle through expect in PTL
PP-231: qstat express option
PP-480: Job Equivalence Class Optimization
Reservation Tracking Hook Events
Execjob_abort hook event
Preemption via deletion
Option to suppress logging of hook body in PTL's create_import_hook()
Remove member variable 'pid' and function _update_pid() from PTL's daemon objects
Design to import/export hook config file in PTL:
[Won't Do] Formatting changes to pbs_rstat -f output
Test framework should sense, indicate or stop tests before system breakdown during a test run
Test Framework should provide an option to run monitoring scripts along with the tests.
Allow -w for qstat's alternate job status options
Enhance pbs_config & pbs_stat to support pbs_snapshot
manager() should use python lists for string arrays
Improve system and process monitoring for tests in PTL
Flag fields where data is truncated in qstat
Setting the scheduler host name that the server uses
Enhancement of pbs_benchpress to run test case from non-test directory
Alternate security model to CLUSTERADDR2
Enabling microsecond logging by default for PTL
Support PTL on Shasta
A mixed cluster support for PBS Pro
Upgrade to current stable Python 3.x release
PP-725: new "keep <select>" option for "pbs_release_nodes"
Adding options to control scheduler multi-threading
pbs_snapshot --basic to capture minimal useful data
Scheduler's log_events
Enhancing accounting logs for job lifecycle
Improve cgroup hook and configuration file support on heteregeneous clusters
Proposition for Instant-CI
Making 'job_sort_formula' a sched attribute
Reconfirming degraded reservations that are running
PP-724: new "keep <node count>" option for "pbs_release_nodes"
Server Management Hook Event
Record for Job Suspend and Resume events in Accounting Logs
Creating reservation out of a job
Stat Server for PBSPro
Delete empty running reservations automatically
LibAuth API Interface design
"runone" job dependency
PR-1505: Introduce LibAuth and refactoring in DIS/TPP support routines
Allow pbs_ralter to edit Authorized_Users and Authorized_Groups
Add support for custom local copy via the PBS_CP variable
Allow multiple auth methods in PBSPro
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Project Documentation
PP-1006: Introduce new provisioning capabilities
PP-1006: Introduce new provisioning capabilities
Samuel M. Goosen
Krishnan Dilip
Owned by
Samuel M. Goosen
Last updated:
Nov 17, 2017
Krishnan Dilip
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Requirements: Introduce new provisioning capabilities
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