PP-790: qmgr output has inconsistent whitespaces
It seems like for all commands (qstat, pbsnodes etc.), we use spaces (" ") as prefix for new attributes, but for qmgr we use tabs. Similarly, for line extensions in qmgr, we use spaces as prefix while the other commands use tabs. We should make the outputs consistent.
Interface change:
- Synopsis: Output of "qmgr list" will now use spaces (" ") to indent new attributes and tabs ("\t") to indent line extensions
- Visibility: Public
- Change Control: Stable
- Details:
- New attributes listed will be indented by 4 spaces (" ").
- Line extensions of long attribute values will be indented by a single tab ("\t").
- This indentation scheme will make qmgr list output consistent with that of qstat and pbsnodes output.