PP-854: PBS Pro for Windows needs an installer

PP-854: PBS Pro for Windows needs an installer

Target release17.1.1

PP-854:  PBS Pro for Windows needs an installer

Document status
Forum Discussion/Reviewhttp://community.pbspro.org/t/pp-854-pbs-pro-for-windows-needs-an-installer/613
Document owner


Developers can build our PBSPro OSS source code using visual studio 2008 express edition.  But there is no installer currently available for packaging and installation. We have found new open source installer called "Wix" and have implemented the solution to build msi package.

We are building new MSI installer as it has following benefits.

  1. MSI provides a comprehensive, standardized framework for the installer, which crucially also includes the uninstall and built-in features and options for silent running with standardized GUI which can be triggered remotely.
  2. Users have the ability to tweak the MSI installation database with Orca tool.

Community discussion forum link : http://community.pbspro.org/t/pp-854-pbs-pro-for-windows-needs-an-installer/613

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