PP-795: PTL doesn't revert fairshare usage between tests

Forum Discussion

PTL reverts PBS to the default state between test runs.  The scheduler provides no way to do this with fairshare usage without starting and stopping the scheduler.  It would slow things down to stop and start the scheduler between every test.

Interface 1: Changes how pbsfs affects the scheduler

Change Control: Public/Stable

Summary: pbsfs will directly affect the scheduler's view of the fairshare usage


  • Currently to change the fairshare usage with pbsfs, the scheduler must be stopped.  This is because the scheduler will write out its view of the fairshare usage every scheduling cycle.  If pbsfs is used, the changes will be overwritten on the next scheduling cycle
  • The changed behavior will have pbsfs directly affect the scheduler's view of the usage.  If an admin uses pbsfs to change the usage, the scheduler will notice the change during the following scheduling cycle.
  • Between tests when PTL reverts to defaults, it will use pbsfs -e to remove all fairshare usage.