PP-765: possibility to allow all moms in acl
PP-765: possibility to allow all moms in acl
PP-765Getting issue details...
- If you use acl_hosts, you need to specify all hosts running a mom (or specify a whole domain(s)) to be able to run pbsnodes, qstat or even pbs.server() in hooks from the hosts. This option allow to access the server for all hosts running a known mom.
Interface 1: acl_host_moms_enable
- Visibility: Public
- Change Control: stable
- Synopsis: server attribute; attribute can control whether hosts running a known mom are allowed to access the server without specification in acl_hosts
- Details: Server attribute. This attribute is configurable using qmgr. Default value is false. This attribute can be set by manager only. Setting this attribute to true means: All hosts running a known mom are allowed to access the server on the same level as the host is written in acl_hosts.