Option to not kick a scheduling cycle through expect in PTL

Community Forum: http://community.pbspro.org/t/option-to-not-kick-a-scheduling-cycle-through-expect-in-ptl/1531

Summary : 

Expect method call should have a flag which can be set to False so that scheduling cycle will not be triggered when expected output is not found.


Server.expect(self, obj_type, attrib=None, id=None, op=EQ, attrop=PTL_AND,
attempt=0, max_attempts=None, interval=None, count=None,
extend=None, offset=0, runas=None, level=logging.INFO,
msg=None, trigger_sched_cycle=True)

param trigger_sched_cycle: True by default can be set to False if kicksched_action is not supposed to be called

type trigger_sched_cycle: Boolean

Additional Info:

Some usecases:

  • We do not want to kick a sched cycle when waiting for jobs to finish in performance tests else it might affect job run_rate and job throughput.
  • Some tests are failing because kicking scheduling cycle is changing jobs comment in some cases.
  • When scheduling is set to False and we expect job to be in some state it should not kick sched cycle


As Server.expect calls Server.status there is case to be noted. If job_sort_formula is passed to status it explicitly kicks a sched cycle.

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