PP-1006 Provisioning enhancement.
PP-1006 Provisioning enhancement.
Forum discussion link:http://community.pbspro.org/t/pp-1006-introduce-new-provisioning-capabilities/731/13
Interface 1: Provisioing multichunk aoe request: provision
- Change Control: Stable
- Synopsis: Allow submission of jobs having multichunk request with provisionable and non-provisionable subchunks.
- Details:
- This enhancement to provisioning, will allow user to submit multichunk job request with aoe.
- Each job subchunk can request at most one aoe. If it requests an aoe, the aoe has to match the aoe of all other subchunks in the select..
- Scheduler can schedule such job request by satisfying resource requirement on both provisionable and non-provisionable node.
- Example:
- Valid qsub requests:
- qsub -lselect=1:vnode=vmnode:aoe=sles+1:ncpus=10:foo=2 – /bin/sleep 100
-- subchunk "1:ncpus=10:foo=2" can be satisfied by a non-provisionable node. - qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel+1:custom_resource_foo=3 – /bin/sleep 100
-- custom_resource_foo can be satisfied by a non-provisionable node. - qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel:foo=2+1:aoe=rhel:foo2=2 – /bin/sleep 100
-- Both the subchunks might be satisfied by two different or single provisionable node. - qsub -laoe=rhel -lncpus=12 -lmem=100kb /bin/sleep 100
- qsub -lselect=1:vnode=vmnode:aoe=sles+1:ncpus=10:foo=2 – /bin/sleep 100
- Invalid qsub requests:
- qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel+1:aoe=sles – /bin/sleep 100
-- Invalid job request ( two different aoe resource requested) - qsub -laoe=rhel -lselect=1:ncpus=12 – /bin/sleep 100
-- qsub: "-lresource=" cannot be used with "select" or "place"
- qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel+1:aoe=sles – /bin/sleep 100
- Valid qsub requests: