Stat Server for PBSPro

Stat Server for PBSPro

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This change will enable the admin to configure a separate stat-server which can serve all the stat requests offloading them from the main execution server. stat server can be used to read the status of jobs, reservation, node, queue, server and scheduler.


Stat server will store up to date data in its main memory. Upon receiving a stat request it will fetch the delta (what it does not have in memory but in the database) and update the objects in its cache. For this, the main server will keep flushing the data to the database more often.

How to configure?

Stat server should be started using "pbs_server -r " indicating it's in read-only mode. PBS_CONF_FILE of the corresponding clients has to be updated to indicate the stat server as the new PBS_SERVER value. Stat-server will discard any other commands other than qstat, pbs_rstat, pbsnodes and qmgr print commands.

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