Deprecate/Remove 'pset' job attribute

Deprecate/Remove 'pset' job attribute

Forum: http://community.pbspro.org/t/deprecate-pset-job-attribute/2031

Motivation: This job attribute conveys which placement set a job ran in if placement sets are being used. This means that if a site uses placement sets, there’ll be an alterjob request sent from sched to server for every job, which is bad for performance. It doesn’t seem seem like a very useful piece of information for users to know which placement set their job ran in, users mostly just care about whether their job ran or not, or why it isn’t running if not. So, deprecating & removing pset might be worth the trade-off.


External changes:

  • pset will be marked as deprecated in the documentation & eventually removed from the job attribute list. After it’s removed, it won’t be visible on a qstat -f.


UPDATE (March 2021): since pset has been deprecated for a release now, we can remove it for the next release. So, pset will be removed from the job attributes list and scheduler will no longer send pset related updates to the server for any setup.

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