Convert Scheduler to C++

Convert Scheduler to C++

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Convert pbs_sched, pbsfs, and libpbs_sched to cpp.


With the scheduler written in C++, we will be able to leverage the STL and libraries like Boost, making writing the code easier, and making the code faster.

Technical Details

We are targeting the C++11 standard.

This design is only for compiling the scheduler with in c++.

[Oct 6 2020] Header files will become .hpp

External Interface Changes

Because we're using C++11, compilers need to support it, and the local libstdc++ needs to support C++11.

Future (Possible) Changes

When the supported OS list changes, we may be able to upgrade the standard to C++14.

We will be able to use c++ features in the STL, possibly boost.

Some interfaces in other parts of pbs can be updated to better-support C++, and remove some const_casts<> in the scheduler.

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