Man Page for pbs_iff

Man Page for pbs_iff

Supplies a credential that is used for authentication.


Called from the pbs_connect() IFL API to authenticate a connection with the PBS server.  Designed to be called internally by PBS commands and components, to be used by our IFL layer to talk to the server.  Can be run by any user.

It's a setuid root binary so it runs as the user who requests a connection to a server but it becomes root so that it can grab a privileged port.


/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_iff [-t] <daemon host> <daemon port> <parent socket> <parent port>

/opt/pbs/sbin/pbs_iff --version

Options to pbs_iff


Test mode; means tell me whether I can authenticate.


Reports version and exits; can only be used alone.

Arguments to pbs_iff

host, port

Remote host and remote port

parent socket, parent port

The socket and port that they want pbs_iff to vouch for when it connects to the server.

Exit Status


If it was able to contact the server and extract a promise that the server will henceforth accept commands from the port and socket fd that you asked to vouch for (as long as they come from this host )


Otherwise (in practice 1, but not sure that's guaranteed).

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