pbs_snapshot: Add the ability to obfuscate existing snapshots

Discussion: https://community.openpbs.org/t/pbs-snapshot-add-the-ability-to-obfuscate-existing-snapshots/2582

Motivation: Often times, it’s useful to be able to obfuscate an existing snapshot. For instance: user took a snapshot of a hard to reproduce issue but forgot to run pbs_snapshot in obfuscation mode. Since the issue is hard to reproduce, it’d be much easier if user could just obfuscate the already captured snapshot. So, this will add the ability to pbs_snapshot to be able to take an existing snapshot and obfuscate it.


External change:

  • New option --obf-snap <path>: This will be used to provide the path to an existing snapshot for pbs_snapshot to obfuscate

    • Note: path can either be a directory, or a snapshot tar file previously generated by pbs_snapshot

  • The obfuscated snapshot will be created with the name “<original_snapshot>_obf.tgz”