Building OpenPBS Using rpmbuild

Building OpenPBS Using rpmbuild

A. Create rpm Development Tree (if it does not exist)

The rpmdevtools package contains the rpmdev-setuptree command which will create the necessary directories.

sudo yum install -y rpmdevtools


Alternatively, to create the tree by hand:

1. Go to your home directory; you don't need to be root

2. mkdir            rpmbuild

3. cd                 rpmbuild



B. Install Dependencies

Below is the list of prerequisite packages.  (These are also specified in the "openpbs.spec" file):

  • gcc
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • hwloc-devel
  • libX11-devel
  • libXt-devel
  • libedit-devel
  • libical-devel
  • ncurses-devel
  • perl
  • postgresql-devel
  • python3-devel >= 3.5
  • tcl-devel
  • tk-devel
  • swig
  • expat-devel (if suse then libexpat-devel)
  • openssl-devel (if suse then libopenssl-devel)

1. Install dependencies for building PBS Pro:

For CentOS systems, run the following command as root:

yum install -y gcc make rpm-build libtool hwloc-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel libedit-devel libical-devel ncurses-devel perl postgresql-devel python3-devel tcl-devel  tk-devel swig expat-devel openssl-devel libXext libXft

For openSUSE systems, run the following command as root:

zypper install gcc make rpm-build libtool hwloc-devel libX11-devel libXt-devel libedit-devel libical-devel ncurses-devel perl postgresql-devel python3-devel tcl-devel tk-devel swig libexpat-devel libopenssl-devel libXext-devel libXft-devel fontconfig

2. Install prerequisite packages for running PBS Pro:

In addition to the commands below, you should also install a text editor of your choosing (vim, emacs, gedit, etc.).

For CentOS systems, run the following command as root:

yum install -y expat libedit postgresql-server python3 sendmail sudo tcl tk libical

For openSUSE systems, run the following command as root:

zypper install expat libedit postgresql-server python3 sendmail sudo tcl tk libical1

3. Install prerequisite packages for testing PBS Pro:

Make sure you have the following on your local system:

the pip command

the sudo command

the which command

the net-tools package

C. Build the rpm Package for OpenPBS <pbs_version>

You can either build from source cloned from GitHub, or build from source rpm (srpm).

To Build from source cloned from GitHub:

        Note: <pbs_version> specified at openpbs/src/openpbs.spec

1.    Go to openpbs directory which you have cloned (git clone https://github.com/openpbs/openpbs)
2.    Run the autogen.sh script to generate the configure script and Makefile.in files
                (generates configure script and Makefile.in templates)
3.    Run ./configure
4.    Generate the source tar that will use to build the rpm
                make dist
                make dist generates .tar.gz (openpbs-<pbs_version>.tar.gz) file in the same directory.
5.    Move the openpbs-<pbs_version>.tar.gz file to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
6.    Copy openpbs/openpbs.spec file to  ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
7.    Change directory to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
8.    Run the below command
                  rpmbuild -ba openpbs.spec         (This command will generate the below rpm packages in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS dirctory)

                  a) openpbs-client-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm 

                  b) openpbs-debuginfo-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm 

                  c) openpbs-execution-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

                  d) openpbs-server-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

To Build the rpm Package from openpbs-<pbs_version>.src.rpm:

  1. Download from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/pbsproci/

2. You can either use the –rebuild option, or you can build the rpm yourself.

To use the --rebuild option:

Do an rpmbuild –rebuild openpbs-<pbs_version>.src.rpm

To build the rpm yourself:

Install the openpbs-<pbs_version>.src.rpm

rpm -i openpbs-<pbs_version>.src.rpm    

This installs openpbs-<pbs_version>.tar.gz and openpbs.spec in their respective directories under the rpmbuild dev tree.

Change directory to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and run the below command

rpmbuild -ba openpbs.spec               (This command generates the below rpm packages in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS dirctory)

a) openpbs-client-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

b) openpbs-debuginfo-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

c) openpbs-execution-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

d) openpbs-server-<pbs_version>-0.x86_64.rpm

D. Install and Test Your rpm Package Locally

Installing and Testing Locally on CentOS7:

  1.  Log in as root
  2.  Change directory to ~/rpmbuild/RPMS
  3.  Install the package: yum -y install /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/openpbs-server-<pbs_version>.x86_64.rpm
  4.  Enable MoM via “PBS_START_MOM=1” in /etc/pbs.conf file
  5.  Start the PBS Pro daemons using /etc/init.d/pbs start
  6.  From a non-root account, make sure that PBS works by running a job
  7.  Continue as root
  8.  cd test/fw
  9.  Install PTL and dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt .
  10.  Create user accounts and groups required by PTL:  pbs_config --make-ug
  11.  cd ../tests
  12.  Run PTL tests: pbs_benchpress -l INFOCLI2 -o ptl.txt
  13.  Once pbs_benchpress completes, you can find the PTL log in ptl.txt

Installing and Testing Locally on openSUSE 13.2:

  1.  Log in as root
  2.  Change directory to ~/rpmbuild/RPMS 
  3.  Install the package: zypper -n install /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/openpbs-server-<pbs_version>.x86_64.rpm
  4.  Enable MoM via “PBS_START_MOM=1” in /etc/pbs.conf file
  5.  Start the PBS Pro daemons using /etc/init.d/pbs start 
  6.  From a non-root account, make sure that PBS works by running a job
  7.  Continue as root
  8.  cd test/fw
  9.  Install PTL and dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt .
  10.  Create user accounts and groups required by PTL: pbs_config --make-ug
  11.  cd ../tests
  12.  Run PTL tests: pbs_benchpress -l INFOCLI2 -o ptl.txt
  13.  Once pbs_benchpress completes, you can find the PTL log in ptl.txt

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