OpenPBS Registry

OpenPBS Registry

To add your site, opt-in here and consider letting the community know about your use of OpenPBS.

The below list is a small subset of the overall OpenPBS community (and was only started in mid-2018).  There are thousands of downloads per year from the www.pbspro.org site alone (and that doesn't count direct downloads from GitHub and other sources like OpenHPC).

OrganizationClassificationSystem SizeLocationNotes
University of PisaUniversity Education128 nodesPisa, Italy
T-Systems International - Solutions for Research GmbHIT1000+ nodesBerlin, GermanyWe offer HPCaaS in the Open Telekom Cloud, or Cloud Bursting using OTC resources
IEAvGovernment - Research Organization16 nodesSão Paulo, Brazil
Universiteit AntwerpenResearch1 nodeAntwerpen, Belgium
HPC-TechnologiesIT24 nodesTokyo, Japan
estudio eneeneConsumer Products2 nodesRJ, Brazil
dasandataIT30 nodesSeoul, Republic of Korea
Zept Technologies Inc.Consulting16 nodesOsaka, Japan
Indian Institute of TechnologyUniversity Education3 nodesUP, India
Breakthru IT ServicesIT6 nodesNSW, AustraliaTrialling in a Lab Cluster
Universidad de Buenos AiresUniversity Education2 nodesBuenos Aires, Argentina
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of TechnologyEducation2 nodesPhilippines
zechsterConsulting Services5 nodes

IISERIT2 nodesDelhi, India
ASIAAGovernment - Research Organization100 nodesJapan
The University of QueenslandUniversity Education339 nodesAustralia
Heinrich-Heine-University DüsseldorfAcademic140 nodesGermanymyJAM (localy developed) adds monitoring and management on top of OpenPBS
CDACIT40 nodesIndia
FSMonastirUniversity Education32 nodesTunisia
Mark's Communications Support, IncIndustrial Machinery and Equipment16 nodesUnited StatesCalculations for cavitation
IISER BhopalEducation133 nodesIndia
HPC ServicesEducation200 nodesMexico
University of Edinburgh (Researcher)Life Sciences (Bio/Chem/Pharma)2 nodesUnited KingdomTo run scripts which mainly run in the parallel computing framework using SGE on my own computer

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