PTL fw Directory Structure

PTL fw Directory Structure

Contents of pbspro/test/fw

DirectoryDescription of Contents


Test command: pbs_benchpress

PTL-based commands:

pbs_config: for configuring PBS and PTL for testing
pbs_loganalyzer: for analyzing daemon and accounting logs
pbs_snapshot: for capturing state of complex
pbs_stat: for getting status of PBS objects, e.g. jobs, queues

Commands that are not currently in use:

pbs_as: for future API mode
pbs_cov: for getting code coverage
pbs_py_spawn: left over from another project
pbs_swigify: for future API mode


Documentation source .rst files


PTL package


Core Python library: PBSTestLib

Supporting files for PBSTestLib: pbs_api_to_cli.py, pbs_ifl_mock.py


PBS test suite: pbs_testsuite.py containing PBSTestSuite (which is Python testing framework)

Utilities PTL provides, such as pbs_snaputils.py, pbs_logutils.py, pbs_dshutils.py, pbs_crayutils.py, etc.

pluginsNose plugins for PTL framework