Using pbs_loganalyzer

Using pbs_loganalyzer

You use pbs_loganalyzer to analyze PBS logs and return various throughput metrics.

How to run pbs_loganalyzer


   pbs_loganalyzer [<option(s)>]

Can be one of html, file, sqlite, pgsql.

Note that the default data type is HTML, but you must specify a different type in order to use this command.

Options to pbs_loganalyzer

-a <path to accounting log file/directory>

Path to accounting log file or directory.  The pbs_loganalyzer command analyzes the specified log(s).

-b: <start date/time>

Process log from specified start date and time.
Format: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S


Print output cycle summary to stdout

-d <path to directory containing pbs_diag output>

Path to directory containing extracted pbs_diag output (output extracted from pbs_diag .tar output). Path can be absolute or relative.
No default.

-e: <end date/time>

Process log up to specified date and time.
Format: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S

-f <log file>

Generic log file to be analyzed.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.


Print usage information to stdout.

-l <path to sched log file/dir>

Path to scheduler log file/dir to analyze.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.

-m <path to MoM log file/dir>

Path to mom log file/dir to analyze.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.

-s <path to server log file/dir>

Path to server log file/dir to analyze.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.


Print per-job scheduling requirements such as time to run, discard, and calendar.  Printed to stdout.

-t <hostname>

Name of host where the command should read log files. Defaults to FQDN of local hostname.

-U <True | False>

If True, show utilization.  Requires specifying path to accounting log via the -a option.  Uses the following:

  • the file specified via the --jobs-file option, or, if not provided, runs and gets the output of qstat -f
  • the file specified via the --nodes-file option, or, if not provided, runs and gets the output of pbsnodes -av

--db-access=<DB options file>

Path to a file that defines DB parameters (PostreSQL only); can be absolute or relative.
See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS.
You probably need to specify the following parameters:

  • dbname: database name
  • user: user name used to authenticate
  • password: password used to authenticate
  • host: database host address
  • port: connection port number

--db-out=<DB file>

Send results to specified database file.  Database where test information and results metrics are stored for later processing. 
Defaults to ptl_test_results.db

--db-type=<DB type> 

Database type for database specified in the --db-out option.  Default database type is HTML, but this command does not currently work with HTML database type.


Show job estimated start time. Requires specifying scheduler log(s) via the -l option.


Write only estimated info to the DB.  Must be used with --db-out option

--jobs-file=<output of qstat -f>

Path to file containing output of qstat -f.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.


Analyze logs of the last month


Analyze logs of the last 7 days

--log-conf=<logging config file>

Absolute path to logging configuration file.

File format specified in https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format.

Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.

--nodes-file=<output of pbsnodes -av>

Path to file containing output of pbsnodes -av.  Path can be absolute or relative.  No default.


Report frequency of occurrences of the regexp specified in the --re-interval option.  Frequency is number of occurrences that happen every <seconds> seconds.


Report time interval between occurrences of regexp.  For example, '.*Type 1.*' matches all log lines containing 'Type 1'.

--silent [True | False]

Do not display progress bar. Defaults to False


Print version number and exit

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