Using pbs_benchpress

Using pbs_benchpress

This page appears in the PTL Developer's Guide.

You use pbs_benchpress to run or list test suites and test cases.

How to run pbs_benchpress

Go to pbspro/test/tests in your cloned GitHub directory structure.


   pbs_benchpress <option(s)


By default, pbs_benchpress automatically makes its current user a PBS Manager, via "qmgr -c 's s managers += < current user>".

Options to pbs_benchpress


Cumulative test case failure threshold. Defaults to 100.

Set count to 0 to disable this threshold.

If not zero, must be greater than or equal to 'tc-failure-threshold'

--db-access=<path to DB parameter keyword file>

Path to a file that defines DB parameters (PostreSQL only); can be absolute or relative.

See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS.

You probably need to specify the following parameters:

dbname: database name

user: user name used to authenticate

password: password used to authenticate

host: database host address

port: connection port number

--db-name=<database name>

Database where test information and results metrics are stored for later processing.

Defaults to ptl_test_results.db.

--db-type=<database type>

Can be one of "file", "html", "json", "pgsql", "sqlite".

Defaults to "json".

--eval-tags='<Python expression>'

Selects only tests where Python expression evaluates to True.  Can be applied multiple times. 


'smoke and (not regression)'  -  Selects all tests which have "smoke" tag and don't have "regression" tag

'priority>4'  -  Selects all tests which have "priority" tag and where the value of priority is greater than 4

--exclude=<tests to exclude>

Comma-separated string of tests to exclude

-f <test files to run>

Comma-separated list of test file names


Sets logging format to include timestamp and level


If set, walks the test hierarchy and runs each test.  Starts from current directory.

-g <path to test suite file>

Absolute path to file containing comma-separated list of test suites

Used for very long list of tests

--genhtml-bin=<path to genhtml binary>

Defaults to "genhtml": PTL assumes genhtml is in PATH


Displays usage information


Prints test name and docstring to stdout, then exits.

-l <log level>

Specifies log level to use.  Log levels are documented in PTL. 


Prints the following to stdout, then exits: test suite, file, module, suite docstring, tests, and number of test suites and test cases in current directory and all its subdirectories.


Base URL for lcov HTML report.  Uses url as base URL.

--lcov-bin=<path to lcov binary>

Defaults to "lcov": PTL assumes lcov is in PATH

--lcov-data=<path to directory>

Path to directory containing .gcno files; can be absolute or relative


If set, do not include PBS source in coverage analysis.

By default, PBS source is included in coverage analysis

--lcov-out=<path to output directory>

Output path for HTML report. 

Default path is TMPDIR/pbscov-YYYYMMDD_HHmmSS


Recursively list all tags in tests in current directory and its subdirectories.

--log-conf=<path to logging config file>

Absolute path to logging configuration file.  No default.

File format specified in https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format.


Max number of diagnostic tool runs per testsuite. Diagnostic tool is run on failure.  Defaults to 10 sets of output from diagnostic tool.

Set count to 0 to disable this threshold.


Maximum Python version


Minimum Python version

-o <logfile>

Name of log file.

Logging output is always printed stdout; this option specifies that it should be printed to specified log file as well.

-p <test parameter>

Comma-separated list of <key>=<value> pairs. Note that the comma cannot be used in value.  Pre-defined pairs are in 'Custom parameters:' in http://pbspro.org/ptldocs/ptl.html#ptl.utils.pbs_testsuite.PBSTestSuite but you can add your own along with those.

--param-file=<parameter file>

If set, gets test parameters from file

Overrides -p  

--post-analysis-data=<post-analysis data directory>

Path to directory where diagnostic tool output is placed.


If set, stop when any test fails

-t <test suites>

Comma-separated list of test suites to run

--tags=<list of tags>

Selects only tests that have tag tag.  Can be applied multiple times.

Format: [!]<tag>[,<tag>]


smoke  - Selects all tests which have "smoke" tag

!smoke  - Selects all tests which don't have "smoke" tag

smoke,regression   -  Selects all tests which have both "smoke" and "regression" tag


Lists all selected test suites

When used with --verbose, lists all test cases

Must be used with --tags or --eval-tags

You can use -t or --exclude to limit selection


Test case failure threshold per testsuite

Defaults to 10

To disable, set count to 0


Duration after which no test suites are run


Shows verbose output

Must be used with -i, -L or --tags-info


Prints version number to stdout and exits 

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