

Designing interface changes for PBS Pro

Document your design

If you're working on a feature or a complex bug, document it in the space used for project designs on Confluence.  Create a design document describing your design.  See this example.   Some bugs are small enough that they don't need documenting.  If you are not sure, ask on the development forum

Get comments on your design

Initiate a discussion of your idea or bug fix by starting a topic for it on the PBS Pro development forum:

    • Make sure you start your discussion in the Developers category in the forum
    • When you start your topic, use a summary of the feature or bug for your topic title.  For example: Server Periodic Hook
    • In the forum, add a pointer to your design page

After you've started your topic, add an HTML link in your design page on Confluence that points to the discussion topic in the forum

Get review comments from community members about your bug fix or design.  Make sure review comments are solicited and posted in the development forum, and not on the wiki.  All discussion of your design and code should take place on the development forum.

Get approval for your design

For features or complex bugs, get sign-off of the high-level design approach from two people: one maintainer and one other contributor (who can be a maintainer).  If you took a complex feature and broke it down into sub-tasks, and you are working on a sub-task, you need two sign-offs on the design for your sub-task.  Make sure that all approvals are posted in the development forum, not on the wiki.

Make finding information easy

Add a link in the design page containing the EDD that points to the discussion, and vice versa. 

Also add a link from the EDD to the pull request and vice versa.

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