Forum discussion link:
- Change Control: Stable
- Synopsis: Allow submission of jobs having multichunk request with provisionable and non-provisionable subchunks.
- Details:
- This enhancement to provisioning, will allow user to submit multichunk job request with aoe.
- Each job subchunk can request only one aoe and they all have to be same aoe typeat most one aoe. If it requests an aoe, the aoe has to match the aoe of all other subchunks in the select..
- Scheduler can schedule such job request by satisfying resource requirement on both provisionable and non-provisionable node.
- Example:
- Valid qsub requests:
- qsub -lselect=1:vnode=vmnode:aoe=sles+1:ncpus=10:foo=2 – /bin/sleep
- 100
-- subchunk "1:ncpus=10:foo=2" can be satisfied by a non-provisionable node
- .
- qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel+1:custom_resource_foo=3 – /bin/sleep 100
-- custom_resource_foo can be satisfied by a non-provisionable node
- .
- qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel:foo=2+1:aoe=rhel:foo2=2 – /bin/sleep
- 100
-- Both the subchunks might be satisfied by two different or single provisionable node
- .
- Invalid qsub requests:
- qsub -lselect=1:aoe=rhel+1:aoe=sles – /bin/sleep
100 ← - 100
-- Invalid job request ( two different aoe resource requested)
- 100
- Valid qsub requests: