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This enhancement provides a way for an interactive job to survive even after the client host issuing 'qsub -I' loses connection to the execution host.
Possible reasons for the qsub disconnection include:

In all these cases, the proposal is to allow job to continue running, and user can reconnect to the interactive session from a different terminal and host.



to use the screen utility. The screen command in Linux provides the ability to launch and use multiple shell sessions from a single shell session. That single session can then be disconnected interactively, preserving any processes and its terminal started by that screen session. Then at a later time, another process can re-attach to the original 'screen' session.

Extend /etc/pbs.conf parameter under client host: PBS_REMOTE_VIEWER=screen


New utility: pbs_interact

pbs_interact <job-id>

ssh <primary_host>

<primary host> % screen -d -r <job-id>

but instead of using 'ssh' talking to sshd daemon on the execution host, it would be 'pbs_interact' communicating with the primary pbs_mom executing <job-id>.

"Unauthorized Request"


Allow the possibility for PBS_REMOTE_VIEWER to accept other screen-like facility such as 'tmux'.

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