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Motivation: When PBS Scheduler decides to run a subjob, it tries to run as many subjobs as it can until it's unable to run anymore. This can potentially cause a very large array job to hog all the machines. Admins want a finer control on how many array-subjobs can be running at a given time for a given array job.

Use case: A user may have a job array in which all subjobs will interface with a single instance of a shared data file, and as more and more subjobs run simultaneously the job performance sharply degrades. Further, different applications/or runs of the same application may have different impacts on the shared resource, so we have had requests for the ability to limit this number at the user’s request per job array.

External Interface changes

Interface 1:  Change to qsub -J option

Interface 2: New job attribute "max_run_subjobs"

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