Follow the PBS Pro Design Document Guidelines.



Users want to be able to edit the authorized users and groups of a reservation.

1) pbs_ralter -U [+/-]<username>[, [+/-]<username>] resv_id
This option will be used to set the Authorized_Users list of the reservation
pbs_ralter -U vstumpf R14

2) pbs_ralter -G [+/-]<group name>[, [+/-]<group name>] resv_id
This option will be used to set the Authorized_Groups list of the reservation.
It will automatically set acl_group_enable = True on the reservation if not already set.
pbs_ralter -G +physics R14

If -G is given an empty string "", then the Authorized_Groups list will be unset, and the queue's acl_groups and acl_group_enable attributes will also be unset.


pbs_ralter -G "" R14

Here's an example of how it works:

[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ /opt/pbs/bin/pbs_rsub -R 202003071547.27 -D 100 -l select=1:ncpus=1
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ pbs_rstat -f R7 | grep Auth
Authorized_Users = vstumpf@shecil
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ qmgr -c "l q R7" | grep acl
acl_user_enable = True
acl_users = vstumpf@shecil
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ pbs_ralter -U "vstumpf,pbsuser1" R7
pbs_ralter: R7.shecil ALTER REQUESTED
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ pbs_rstat -f R7 | grep Auth
Authorized_Users = pbsuser1,vstumpf
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ qmgr -c "l q R7" | grep acl
acl_user_enable = True
acl_users = pbsuser1,vstumpf
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ pbs_ralter -G "+physics" R7
pbs_ralter: R7.shecil ALTER REQUESTED
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ pbs_rstat -f R7 | grep Auth
Authorized_Users = pbsuser1,vstumpf
Authorized_Groups = +physics
[vstumpf@shecil pbspro]$ qmgr -c "l q R7" | grep acl
acl_user_enable = True
acl_users = pbsuser1,vstumpf
acl_group_enable = True
acl_groups = +physics

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