Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


    • PBS_HOME/sched_priv/sched_config will have 'vntype' in the resources line.

3) Server

    • The hook PBS_HOME/server_priv/hooks/PBS_translate_mpp.HK is enabled.
    • Based on what is returned by the ALPS inventory :
      • vnodes representing the compute nodes will get created
      • the Cray-specific custom resources (e.g. PBScraynid, PBScrayhost, etc) will get created in PBS_HOME/server_priv/resourcedef.
      • the appropriate Cray-specific custom resources will be added to the vnodes.
      • since the mom config $vnode_per_numa_node is unset by default, there will be no PBScrayseg attribute on the vnodes representing the compute nodes.
    • Server settings :
      • flatuid = true
      • scheduling = true

      • the default queue is workq


  • Visibility: Public
  • Change Control: Stable
  • Synopsis: Modifications to hooks settings for Cray.
  • Standing of the interface : modified interface
  • Details
    • If on a Cray or Cray ALPS simulator then perform below:
      • Enable Restore the default 'PBS_translate_mpp' hook by:
        • Copying PBS_EXEC/lib/python/altair/pbs_hooks/PBS_translate_mpp.HK to PBS_HOME/server_priv/hooks/PBS_translate_mpp.HK
            Then set enabled=true in PBS_HOME/server_priv/hooks/PBS_translate_mpp.HK
            • In this way, the shipped version (i.e. default version) of the hook will be in PBS_HOME for any PTL test to enable if desired.