PBS is installed and configured on Cray which result in specific settings. These initial settings are referred to as the out-of-box settings below. These settings should also apply to the Cray ALPS simulator when PBS is properly configured. These are settings for a freshly installed and configured PBS on Cray or Cray ALPS simulator.
- As of current support for Cray CLE 5.2 and 6.0, below are the out-of-box configuration settings per PBS daemon:
1) MoM
- These settings lines should appear in PBS_HOME/mom_priv/config:
- $vnodedef_additive 0
- $alps_client /opt/cray/alps/default/bin/apbasil
- $usecp '*:/home /home'
2) Scheduler
- PBS_EXECHOME/etc/pbs_sched/sched_config will have 'vntype' in the resources line.