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Usage: PBS_EXEC/libexec/pbs_db_utility <install_db | upgrade_db | init_db_env>


install_db: Create and initialize the dataservice instance.

upgrade_db: Upgrade the database.init




Description: This script will intitialize the environment with information related to database installation path.



pbs_db_obj_info_t: Wrapper object structure. It contains a pointer to one of the several database structures. Most of the database manipulation/query functions take this structure as a parameter. Depending on the contained structure type, an appropriate internal database manipulation/query function is eventually called. This allows keeping the interface simpler and generic.

Code Block
struct pbs_db_obj_info {
  int 	pbs_db_obj_type; /* identifies the contained object type */
  union {
	pbs_db_job_info_t	*pbs_db_job; 	/* map database job structure to C */
	pbs_db_jobscr_info_t	*pbs_db_jobscr;	/* map database job script to C */
	pbs_db_resv_info_t	*pbs_db_resv;	/* map database resv structure to C */
	pbs_db_svr_info_t	*pbs_db_svr;	/* map database server structure to C */
	pbs_db_que_info_t	*pbs_db_que;	/* map database queue structure to C */
	pbs_db_node_info_t	*pbs_db_node;	/* map database node structure to C */
	pbs_db_sched_info_t	*pbs_db_sched;	/* map database scheduler structure to C */	
	pbs_db_mominfo_time_t	*pbs_db_mominfo_tm; /* map database mominfo_time structure to C */
  } pbs_db_un;
typedef struct pbs_db_obj_info pbs_db_obj_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database job structure to C */
struct pbs_db_job_info {
	char     ji_jobid[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID + 1]; /* job identifier */
	INTEGER  ji_state;    /* INTEGERernal copy of state */
	INTEGER  ji_substate; /* job sub-state */
	INTEGER  ji_svrflags; /* server flags */
	INTEGER  ji_ordering; /* special scheduling ordering */
	INTEGER  ji_priority; /* INTEGERernal priority */
	BIGINT   ji_stime;    /* time job started execution */
	BIGINT   ji_endtBdry; /* estimate upper bound on end time */
	char     ji_queue[PBS_MAXQUEUENAME + 1]; /* name of current queue */
	char     ji_destin[PBS_MAXROUTEDEST + 1]; /* dest from qmove/route */
	INTEGER  ji_un_type;  /* job's queue type */
	INTEGER  ji_exitstat; /* job exit status from MOM */
	BIGINT   ji_quetime;  /* time entered queue */
	BIGINT   ji_rteretry; /* route retry time */
	INTEGER  ji_fromsock; /* socket job coming over */
	BIGINT   ji_fromaddr; /* host job coming from   */
	char     ji_4jid[8];  /* extended job save data */
	char     ji_4ash[8];  /* extended job save data */
	INTEGER  ji_credtype; /* credential type */
	INTEGER  ji_qrank;    /* sort key for db query */
	BIGINT   ji_savetm;   /* job save time */
	BIGINT   ji_creattm;  /* job create time */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_job_info pbs_db_job_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database resv structure to C */
struct pbs_db_resv_info {
	char    ri_resvid[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID + 1]; /* reservation identifier */
	char    ri_queue[PBS_MAXQUEUENAME + 1]; /* queue used by reservation */
	INTEGER ri_state;	/* internal copy of state */
	INTEGER ri_substate;	/* substate of resv state */
	INTEGER ri_type;	/* "reservation" or "reservation job"*/
	BIGINT  ri_stime;	/* left window boundry  */
	BIGINT  ri_etime;	/* right window boundry */
	BIGINT  ri_duration;	/* reservation duration */
	INTEGER ri_tactive;	/* time reservation became active */
	INTEGER ri_svrflags;	/* server flags */
	INTEGER ri_fromsock;	/* resv from sock */
	BIGINT  ri_fromaddr;	/* resv from sock addr */
	BIGINT  ri_creattm;	/* resv create time on db */
	BIGINT  ri_savetm;	/* resv save time on db */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_resv_info pbs_db_resv_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database server structure to C */
struct pbs_db_svr_info {
	INTEGER sv_numjobs; 	/* number of job owned by server */
	INTEGER sv_numque;	/* nuber of queues managed */
	BIGINT  sv_jobidnumber; /* next number to use in new jobid  */
	BIGINT  sv_creattm; 	/* time of server db create */ 
	BIGINT  sv_savetm;	/* time of server db update */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_svr_info pbs_db_svr_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database scheduler structure to C */
struct pbs_db_sched_info {
	char    sched_name[PBS_MAXSCHEDNAME+1]; /* sched name */
	BIGINT  sched_creattm;	/* sched create time on db */
	BIGINT  sched_savetm;	/* sched save time on db */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_sched_info pbs_db_sched_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database queue structure to C */
struct pbs_db_que_info {
	char    qu_name[PBS_MAXQUEUENAME +1]; /* queue name */
	INTEGER qu_type;	/* queue type: exec, route */
	BIGINT  qu_ctime;	/* time queue created */
	BIGINT  qu_mtime;	/* time queue last modified */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_que_info pbs_db_que_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database node structure to C */
struct pbs_db_node_info {
	char	nd_name[PBS_MAXSERVERNAME+1]; /* vnode's name */
	INTEGER nd_index;	/* global node index */
	BIGINT	mom_modtime; 	/* node config update time */
	char	nd_hostname[PBS_MAXSERVERNAME+1]; /* node hostname */
	INTEGER nd_state;	/* state of node */
	INTEGER nd_ntype;	/* node type */
	char	nd_pque[PBS_MAXSERVERNAME+1]; /* queue to which it belongs */
	BIGINT  nd_creattm; 	/* node create time */
	BIGINT  nd_svtime;	/* node save time */
	pbs_db_attr_list_t attr_list; /* list of attributes */
typedef struct pbs_db_node_info pbs_db_node_info_t;

/* Structure used to map database mominfo_time structure to C */
struct pbs_db_mominfo_time {
	BIGINT	mit_time; /* time of the host to vnode map */
	INTEGER mit_gen;  /* generation of the host to vnode map */
typedef struct pbs_db_mominfo_time pbs_db_mominfo_time_t;

/* Structure used to map database job script to C */
struct pbs_db_jobscr_info {
	char     ji_jobid[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID + 1]; /* job identifier */
	TEXT     script;	/* job script */
typedef struct pbs_db_jobscr_info pbs_db_jobscr_info_t;
